I spent the last 2 weeks with 3 other Mystical Christian Bishops engaging in Sacred Earthworks in Italy. This is my idea of a 'vacation'....spending two weeks at sacred sites, modern and ancient, engaging in reparation, reconciliation and reconnection with beings across space and time. Along with this, we engaged in a great deal of intercessory prayer to release souls and heal places damaged by human mind and the powers that be. I created a 45 minute video describing our work which you can view at https://youtu.be/Y9AMEa8tH0o
What I hope you will take from this video is that we all have the power of intention, attention, prayer and radiance to help change our individual and collective consciousness. Why would we want to do that? So that we can be helpers in the transformation and transcendence of human consciousness and build the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
My work as Ma Devi is to support individuals and the totality of human consciousness to return to its state of harmony, balance, peace, love and equanimity. In this state of consciousness, we would certainly take better care of ourselves, one another, and our planet. A worthy endeavor, don't you think? If this is intriguing to you...you are invited to join us in this endeavor, this conscious path of the evolution of consciousness. Enjoy!
